Posts tagged WINE BLOG
The Antidote For Your Palate Fatigue: 2018 IAPETUS ANTECEDENT

Having that first sip of Antecedent after a long day pretty much feels like stripping off all your clothing and jumping into Lake Champlain after running a half marathon in the middle of July. Needless to say, if you’ve never had Antecedent before, you’re in for a treat. This wine is 100% Vermont Grown Riesling. These grapes were planted at our Meach Cove site right off of Shelburne Bay in 1999, and since then we’ve made some pretty good Riesling under our Shelburne Vineyard line. However, we took it to the next level with Antecedent.

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If you’re not obsessed with Pét-Nats yet, then you haven’t tried them. We’re obsessed and have been for years now and it seems as though the tastebuds of the everyday wine drinker has caught up.

So let’s start from the beginning: What is a Pét-Nat?

The term has its origins in French, a shortening of the phrase “pétillant naturel” which translates to “naturally bubbly.” Need we say more?

The process has a murky past, but is known to predate the “méthode Champenoise,” a process invented by Dom Pérignon centuries ago. This process ripped off what had been done in other parts of France for decades, notably in Limoux, and popularized it. Before Champagne was Champagne, winemakers were using the “méthode ancestral” to produce fun, fizzy wines.

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We here in Vermont are familiar with a notorious inter-seasonal phenomenon that we affectionately term "Mud Season." This wet and dirty time of year bridges the gap between icy winds and frosted earth of winter with the emerging greenery of the spring. It's a time where we lament the amount of crusted spatter on our cars yet can't help but get excited for the budding springtime.

Late March usually heralds the coming of Mud Season. This year, we have a surprise preview today, February 21st.

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